VCH Barcelona and Vichy Barcelona Fruit

VCH Barcelona and Vichy Barcelona are healthy drinks made from our carbonated water and fruit juice, with no added sugars and with stevia.
It comes in three flavors —lemon, orange and apple— in convenient 0.5L and 1.2L containers, perfect to drink at any time. With all the health of fruit juice and the healthy bubbles of VCH Barcelona and Vichy Barcelona water.
Low calorie: < only 15kcal/100ml.
The fruit juice content per 1.2L equates to:
- VCH Barcelona and Vichy Barcelona Fruit Apple, 3 apples
- VCH Barcelona and Vichy Barcelona Fruit Orange, 3 oranges
- VCH Barcelona and Vichy Barcelona Fruit Lemon, 1 lemon
Sparkling juice!
VCH Barcelona and Vichy Barcelona Fruit Lemon 1.2L
VCH Barcelona and Vichy Barcelona Fruit Lemon 0.5L
VCH Barcelona and Vichy Barcelona Fruit Orange 1.2L
VCH Barcelona and Vichy Barcelona Fruit Orange 0.5L
VCH Barcelona and Vichy Barcelona Fruit Apple 1.2L
VCH Barcelona and Vichy Barcelona Fruit Apple 0.5L