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History of Aguas de Mondariz

The history of the world’s best water
The history of Mondariz revolves around the exploitation of its mineral-medicinal waters. There are documents that link Mondariz with the ancient Roman town of Burbida and indicate that the old inhabitants of the castle of Sobroso knew about and used these waters in facilities that were destroyed in the battle of Uclés (12th century).

The resurgence of the waters (in the 19th century) is firstly thanks to Domingo Blanco Lage, a doctor from Mondariz, who watched his neighbors treating their skin problems using these waters, which he subsequently used for therapeutic purposes in his medical work.

However, the years of greatest splendor came about as a result of Enrique Peinador Vela and his family. In 1873, the declaration of public utility was obtained for the water and from 1877 the mineral water was bottled at the packaging plant (located at that time in a building adjacent to the spring).

For many years, the business was run in parallel to that of the Mondariz Spa, the most modern therapeutic spa in Galicia, which is located in Tea Valley.

The therapeutic benefits of Mondariz water have been enjoyed by the rich and famous over the last century, including Isaac Peral, Echegaray, Arniches, Castelao, W. Fernández Flórez, and Castelar, among others.

“This is not a spa. It’s the Water Palace,” said Nobel laureate José de Echegaray when he learned about the health benefits of Mondariz water.