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The Flavors of Vichy Catalan Fruit range

New Flavor vichy catalan fruit

Our History

Our History

Since 1881 when Dr.Modest Furest...

A unique Legacy

At Home

At Home

Wherever you live, we bring our products to your home

From La Tienda Vichy to home

Vichy Catalan Sabores

Discover the latest flavors

The flavors of Vichy Catalan Sabores range

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1881 Hotels

1881 Hotels

was born from Vichy Catalan Corporation's vision of offering a wellness experience to its guests

Our Hotels

The best

The best

Discover why Mondariz is the best water in the world

Mondariz award-winning water


We continue to have an unwavering desire to internationalize our brands, and the number of countries where you can enjoy our products is growing. Find out more here!